DRi - Death Row Inmates

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New Recruits Posted September 25, 2001 @ 12:23 p.m. PST

I just want to welcome our new recruits. The first two are friends of John (Amazn Chinese Chicken) and they go by the names |2ob and POW. The next one is a personal friend of mine that goes by Elmo. The last new recruit is someone I met in the TSN server. From what I've seen, he should be an incredible help to our clan so please welcome Aalok. All four of these players shall help greatly in (DRi)'s recovery.

(DRi)'s Last Meal Posted September 22, 2001 @ 7:17 p.m. PST

This is to all the players that thought we were dead. We're not dead!! In fact, we finally got ourselves another server. The ip is posted below. Me and gonzo are trying to revive this clan from the long period of inactivity. I'm sad to say that we've lost many of our great players but that's not going to stop us. This time around, things will be run the right way. I'll try and update the news more in the future. I'll keep everyone updated.

(DRi)'s Last Meal [FF=OFF] [PB=Required]
















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